Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hello Beautiful Bloggers and
Welcome to all of my new
Followers. I do hope that you
enjoy my blog.
I was going to post last monday but a
strange thing happened to me. The only thing
that ever makes me sick is you all know -
ALLERGYS. I never,
never get sick. I mean never!!!! I guess
there is a time for everything. However
a shot has never made me sick!! Well
wouldn't you know it. I went in to see the
doctor just for a routine visit and told him
to be sure not to make me sick and we laughed
about it. He told me
that I need a Tetanus shot because it has
been years since I have had one, so I agreed to take
one. The shot
they gave me was a Tetanus combined with
Whooping Cough and I think Diptheria.
Well I was a happy camper before I went in
there. After the shot on Monday, I was fine,
however Tuesday morning I started getting sick.
Nausea, aches and pains, headache, chills,
tiredness, sick to my stomach, alot of nausea,
Thursday I crawled out of the bed to visit the
doctor again. Especially to tell him he made me
sick!!! He said I probably caught the Flu. I told
him 'NO'. They checked me anyway. He came
back and told me 'No Flu'. My fever was 102 at that time.
Gave me a prescription
for nausea medication. That was an exchange from
nausea to dizziness which was not good. Good-bye
to that medication after one use!
I had not eaten since monday so my daughter stayed
with me trying to nurse me back to good health.
I have only started feeling better by Saturday.
Am sure glad that it will be another 10 years before
I receive that shot again. Today I am going to report
the effects to VAERS because of my reaction.
Please do not stop taking your
shots on account of what I have stated here. This is
just my reaction and it does not apply to all.
Okay to let you in on news of my
eyes. Finally my right eye has improved
to 20/35. YEAH!!!!!
It is a slow progress for me but it is coming
along! Hopefully in 6 more months or no
more than a year I will be back to normal.
Normal - hey maybe I was never that anyway!
Now that I am feeling better. I had meant to give
you this pattern last week before I was way-layed
to my bed for sickness.
This pattern is for a small Scissors case. Make it from
Linen or Aida cloth. The choice is yours. Change the
colors if you would like or not. You can also increase
the scissors and the fob size by cutting your linen or
aida cloth bigger and by adding more of
the Rhodes design. The Rhodes design can be put
on front and back of the scissor case. Before you cut any
fabric be sure to measure your scissors. It is best to
make 2 paper pattern pieces to simulate a front and
a back. Put your scissors inside the 2 papers and see
how that is going to look. Perhaps you want or need
the pattern fatter. That's okay then just make the pattern pieces
fatter. The top of the scissor case is just a pyramid that
should be included on the back pattern piece. This is
so the pyramid top piece folds over onto the front. When
folded over add a button and buttonhole. (You can also
omit making the pyramid piece if you want. If you do omit
this piece be sure to add a little extra fabric to make a seam
on the inside. To close add a toggle button and a loop or just leav
it open. That will look just as good).
(Be sure to make sure that the patterns are correct and looks right).
If all is good, then take your patterns to the fabric and
cut out.
If your fabric is thin, be sure to line it with something thicker
like a piece of batting, flannel or other. You do not have
to line a thicker fabric but do take in account that the point
of the scissors is going to be at the bottom for this design. 
The count of the fabric you use is up to you.
The little scissor case pattern above is only for a pair of
scissors that is smaller than 4.5" X 3.5".
I hope you like this pattern!
Enjoy your evening with your loved one this Valentines!