Friday, April 19, 2013


I found this game to be easy!
Game #14759
1. Double click Ace hearts
2. 10 diamond stack on Jack clubs
3. 4 hearts on 5 spades
4. 10 spades upstairs
5. Releases Ace spades
6. 7 hearts on 8 clubs
7. 10 clubs upstairs
8. Queen clubs on King diamonds
9. Queen heart on King club
10. King club stack in free space
11. Jack club stack on Queen hearts
12. 10 clubs on Jack diamond
13. Queen clubs on King diamonds
14. Jack diamond stack on Queen clubs
15. 7 hearts on 8 clubs
 16. 8 heart stack on 9 spades
17. 7 clubs upstairs
18. Releases 2 hearts
19. Put 3,4,5 hearts on 2 hearts
20. Put 2 diamonds on 3 spades
21. Releases 2 spades
22. Releases Ace clubs
23. 9 clubs upstairs
24. Releases Ace diamonds
25. 9 clubs on 10 hearts
26. Jack spades on Queen diamonds
27. Queen diamond stack in free space
28. 10 heart stack on Jack spades
29. Jack hearts upstairs
30. 6 diamonds on 7 spades
31. 5 spades on 6 diamonds
32. Jack hearts in free space
33. 10 spades on Jack hearts
34. 9 diamonds on 10 spades
35. 8 diamonds on 9 clubs
36. 8 club stack on 9 diamonds
37. 7 clubs on 8 diamonds
38. King diamond stack in free space
39. 6 hearts on 7 clubs
40.9 diamond stack on 10 clubs
41. Jack hearts stack on Queen spades
42. 4 clubs on 5 diamonds
43. 4 diamonds on 5 spades
44. 3 clubs on 4 diamonds
45. 3 diamonds on 4 clubs
46. 5 spade stack on 6 diamonds
47. Put 3 diamonds on 2 diamonds
48. Releases 2,3,4 clubs
49. Releases 4 diamonds
50. 5 diamonds on 4 diamonds
51. King spades in free space
52. Queen diamond stack on King spades
53. 8 spades in free space
54. 7 diamond stack on 8 spades
55. King hearts in free space
56. Releases 5,6 clubs
57. Queen spade stack on King hearts
58. 9 hearts on 10 spades

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Free Cell Game #22369

Game #22369
1. 4 spades on 5 hearts
2. 4 diamonds on 5 spades
3. 3 clubs on 4 diamonds
4. 7 clubs upstairs
5. 10 spades on Jack diamonds
6. 5 spades stack on 6 diamond
7. 2 diamond on 3 club
8. 3 spades upstairs
9. 4 clubs upstairs
10. 6 spades upstairs
11. 9 clubs on 10 hearts
12. 3 diamonds on 4 spades
13. 9 diamonds on 10 spades
14. 8 spades on 9 diamonds
15. Releases Aces spades
16. 7 hearts on 8 spades
17. 2 clubs on 3 diamonds
18. 3 spades on 4 hearts
19. 6 spades on 7 hearts
20. 3 hearts upstairs
21. 5 hearts stack on 6 spades
22. 4 heart stack on 5 clubs
23. 7 clubs in free space
24. 6 diamond stack on 7 clubs
25. King club upstairs
26. 10 heart stack on Jack spades
27. 5 club stack on 6 heart
28. 9 hearts on 10 clubs
29. Queen spades on King hearts
30. King club in free space
31. Queen hearts on King club
32. 6 clubs upstairs
33. 8 diamond on 9 clubs
34. Jack spade stack on Queen hearts
35. 4 clubs in free space
36. 3 hearts on 4 clubs
37. Jack clubs upstairs
38. 7 club stack on 8 diamonds
39. King heart stack in free space
40. 8 clubs on 9 hearts
41. 7 heart stack on 8 clubs
42. Jck diamond stack on Queen spades
43. 7 heart stack on 8 spades
44. 4 club stack on 5 diamonds
45. 6 clubs in free space
46. 5 diamond stack on 6 clubs
47. Releases Ace clubs
48. Releases 2 clubs
49. Jack clubs on Queen diamonds
50. 10 club stack on Jack hearts
51. King spades in free space
52. Queen diamond stack on King spades
53. 6 heart stack in free space
54. Releases Ace diamond
55. Releases 2 diamond
56. 9 spades upstairs
57. King diamond upstairs
58. Releases Ace hearts
59. Releases 2 hearts
60. 6 club stack on 7 diamonds
61. Jack heart stack in free space
62. 7 diamond stack on 8 clubs
63. 8 heart upstairs
64. Queen clubs upstairs
I WON!!!

Free Cell Game #4467

Game #4467
1. Double click Ace spades
2. 7 clubs upstairs
3. 5 diamonds upstairs
4. 5 clubs upstairs
5. Queen diamonds on King clubs
6. Jack spades on Queen diamonds
7. 7 spades on 8 diamonds
8. 3 hearts on 4 spades
9. Queen spades stack on King hearts
10.5 diamonds on 6 clubs
11. 4 spades stack on 5 diamonds
12. 10 diamonds on Jack spades
13. 9 clubs on 10 diamonds
14. Jack diamonds upstairs
15. 2 hearts, 3 hearts automatic to Ace hearts
16. Releases Ace diamond
17. 5 spade upstairs
18. 10 spades on Jack hearts
19. Releases Ace clubs
20. 3 diamonds on 4 spades
21. Jack diamond in free space
22. 8 diamond stack on 9 clubs
23. 10 spades on Jack diamond
24. Queen spades on King diamonds
25. 10 spades on Jack hearts
26. 9 diamonds on 10 spades
27. Releases 2 diamonds
28. 7 clubs on 8 hearts
29. Jack diamond upstairs
30. King heart in free space
31. 5 hearts upstairs
32. Queen clubs on King hearts
33. Jack diamond on Queen club
34. 3 diamon on 2 diamond
35. 9 spades upstiars
36. 8 clubs on 9 hearts
37. 8 clubs on 9 diamonds
38. 6 hearts on 7 clubs
39. 5 spades on 6 hearts
40. 10 spade stack on Jack diamond
41. 6 heart stack on 7 spades
42. 9 spades in free space
43. 8 heart stack on 9 spsades
44. 7 diamond on 8 spades
45. 6 club stack on 7 diamonds
46. 3 clubs upstairs
47. 10 hearts in free space
48. 9 spades on 10 hearts
49. King spades in free space
50. Releases 2 spades
51. Jack clubs upstairs
52. Releases 2 clubs
53. Releases 4 diamonds
54. 3 clubs on 2 clubs
55. 4 diamonds on 3 diamonds
56. Jack clubs in free space
57.10 hearts on Jack clubs
58. Queen diamond stack on King diamonds
59. King diamond stack in free space
60. Releases 4 clubs
61. 5 clubs on 4 clubs
62. King clubs in free space
63. 6 diamonds on 7 clubs
64. 10 clubs on Jack hearts
65. 9 hearts on 10 clubs
66. 7 hearts on 8 clubs

Free Cell Game #617

I found this game in my Draft section
along with these others and thought I
would post them.
Game #617
1. Put Queen hearts on King clubs
2. 2 spades upstairs
3. Jack spades on Queen hearts
4. 10 clubs on Jack diamonds
5. King hearts upstairs
6. Releases the Ace hearts
7. King hearts in free space
8. King spades upstairs
9. 10 spades on Jack hearts
10. Queen spades on King hearts
11. 4 hearts upstairs
12. 5 diamonds on 6 clubs
13. Jack heart stack on Queen spades
14. 9 hearts on 10 clubs
15. 3 clubs upstairs
16. 9 diamonds on 10 spades
17. Releases Ace clubs
18. Automatically puts the 2 clubs on top of Ace clubs
19. Put 3 clubs on 2 clubs
20. 3 spades on 4 diamonds
21. 4 diamond stack in free space
22. 3 diamonds upstairs
23. Releases Ace spades
24. Put 2 diamonds on 3 spades
25. 10 club stack in free space
26. Jack diamond upstairs
27. 4 spades on 5 diamonds
28. 4 clubs on 3 clubs
29. 3 diamonds on 4 spades
30. 5 hearts upstairs
31. Queen clubs on King diamonds
32. Jack diamonds on Queen clubs
33.7 spades upstairs
34. Releases Ace diamonds
35. 2 and 3 diamonds automatically goes to Ace diamonds
36. Put 3 & 4 spades on the 2 spades
37. 4 and 5 diamonds automatically goes to 3 diamonds
38. Put King spades in free space
39. Queen hearts stack on King spades
40. 5 hearts on 6 clubs
41.King diamond stack in free space
42.10 hearts on Jack spades
43. 10 diamonds on Jack clubs
43. 10 club stack on Jack diamonds
44. King clubs in free space
45. Releases 2 hearts
46. 9 clubs on 10 hearts
47. 9 spades on 10 diamonds
48. Releases 3, 4 and 5 hearts goes on 2 of hearts
49. Queen diamonds on King clubs
50. Releases 5 and 6 clubs goes on 4 clubs
51. Put 6 and 7 hearts on 5 hearts
52. Jack clubs stack on Queen diamonds
53. 7 clubs on 6 clubs
54. 8 spades on 9 hearts
55. 6 spades upstairs
56. 6 diamonds on 5 diamonds

Free Cell Game #37

Here comes game #37

1. Double click Ace clubs
2. Jack spades on Queen diamonds
3. 10 hearts stack on Jack spades
4. 5 clubs on 6 diamonds
5. 2 hearts on 3 spades
6. 7 clubs on 5 hearts - place on 9 clubs
7. Queen spades upstairs
8. 7 hearts on 8 spades
9. King clubs upstairs
10. 5 clubs and 6 diamonds on 7 clubs
11. 7 diamonds on 8 clubs
12. 7 hearts and 8 spades in free space
13. 6 clubs on 7 diamons
14. 9 hearts on 10 spades - put on Jack hearts
15. 7 hearts and 8 spades stack on 9 hearts
16. 5 diamonds on 6 clubs
17. 2 hearts, 3 spades on 4 diamonds - place on 5 clubs
18. 4 diamonds stack - move to 5 clubs
19. 3 diamonds on 4 clubs - place on 5 diamonds
20. 6 spades on 7 hearts
21. 10 hearts stack - place on Jack clubs
22. King clubs in free space
23.6 hearts upstairs
24. Queen hearts on King clubs
25. 10 hearts stack on Jack clubs
26. Jack spades on Queen hearts
27. 10 hearts stack on Jack spades
28. Jack clubs on Queen diamonds - move to free space
29. 10 diamonds on Jack clubs
30. Queen spades in free space
31. 9 diamonds on 10 clubs - place on Jack diamonds
32. 9 diamonds stack on Queen spades
33. 6 spades stack on 9 diamonds
34. Queen clubs upstairs
35. 4 spades upstairs
36. 9 spades on 10 diamonds
37. Queen clubs on King hearts
38. 9 hearts stack on Queen clubs
39. 9 diamonds on 9 spades
40. King spades in free space
41. 8 diamond stack on King spades
42. King diamonds in free space
43. 4 club stack on 9 hearts
44. 5 spades on 4 spades
45. 5 hearts on 6 clubs
46. double click 7 spades

I WON!!!!

Free Cell Game #781

Hope this helps!

1. Double click on A clubs
2. 10 diamonds on Jack clubs
3. 6 diamonds upstairs
4. Queen spades on King diamonds
5. 8 hearts upstairs
6. 5 diamonds on 6 clubs
7. Jack hearts on Queen spades
8. 5 clubs on 6 hearts
9. 6 hearts stack on 7 clubs
10. 6 spades on 7 hearts
11. 8 spades on 9 hearts
12. 10 clubs, 9 hearts and 8 spades on Jack hearts
13. 8 hearts on 9 clubs
14. 10 hearts, 9 clubs and 8 hearts on Jack spades
15. Jack clubs stack in free space
16. 9 spades on 10 diamonds
17. King spades upstairs
18. 3 spades on 2 spades
19. 10 clubs, 9 hearts, 8 spades in free space
20. King diamonds, Queen clubs and Jack hearts in free space
21. 10 clubs, 9 hearts and 8 spades on Jack hearts
22. 7 hearts and 6 spades on 8 spades
23. 7 hearts and 6 spades on 8 spdes
24. 4 hearts on 3 hearts
25. Jack clubs, 10 diamonds and 9 spades in free space
26. 4 spades on 3 spades
27. 7 clubs, 6 hearts and 5 clubs on 8 diamonds
28. 4 diamonds on 5 clubs
29. 7 spades on 8 hearts
30. 6 diamonds on 7 spades
31. 4 diamonds, 5 clubs on 6 diamonds
32. 6 hearts stack on 9 spades
33. 5 spades on 4 spades
34. 4 clubs on 5 diamonds
35. 3 clubs on 2 clubs
36. 6 clubs, 5 diamonds and 4 clubs on 7 diamonds
37. King hearts upstairs
38. 6 hearts stack on Queen hearts
39. King spades in free space
40. Queen hearts stack on King spades
41. King clubs in free space
42. Queen diamonds on King clubs
43. 8 clubs on 9 diamonds
44. 3 diamonds on 4 clubs
45. King hearts in free space
46. Queen clubs on King hearts
47. 10 spades upstairs
48. 9 diamonds and 8 clubs on 10 spades

I WON!!!