Monday, October 25, 2010

One day I had an idea....

I bought these little colorful wooden things at wal-mart
quite a while ago with intentions of doing something with
them. Who knows what - the idea escaped me.
Recently I thought about using them as a template for wrapping
floss. You can print out this page, enlarge it to the size you desire.
Then you can cut the design out of firm cardboard.
There are 2 ways to do this.
One way is to cover the
cardboard with aida cloth, scraps of cross stitch or just cloth.
Then glue 2 pieces together to make a front & a back in order
to hide all of the bad edges. or the other way is to just
take one piece of cardboard, cover it on both sides with fabric,
or you could paint & stencil it, then
at the seams or edges apply a braid.
Generally I try my ideas first before suggesting anything.
But in this case you could play around with it since I havent
had the time to do so. I would love to know if you
do try it. It would be great to see some photos of one.
Have some fune with it - personally your own
floss wrappers!
Have fun with this.
by Hopblogger

1 comment:

diamondc said...

What a wonderful idea thank-you for sharing.