A fast scissor fob can be made from most
anything. Try these plastic tear-shaped
crystals. They come in a large plastic box
as you see here. It contains small ones and
large ones and they have holes at the top
so you can string clear thread thru them.
But here I have used them for scissor fobs.
Just thread a long length of narrow ribbon
through the hole, knot them as you wish.
Use the small crystals for your small scissors.
Use the large crystals for your large scissors.
One of these boxes makes a lot of scissor
fobs - maybe your friends need some too!

by Hopblogger
Hola! muy bonito tu "scissor fob" (guarda tijeras), que tengas muy buen día un beso desde Barcelona!
Great idea, Connie! - hope you're doing well!
its an easy and great idea connie!!..can be made in a minute!!
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