Friday, January 1, 2010


yellow & blue CD case (or whatever it was) a few postings back -
well look at it now. They were not all that
difficult to cut - so I cut the back pieces into cartonnettes. They
are 6 inches high & 4 & 1/2 inches across. The cartonnettes are
different & colorful & really very sturdy with or without the
lace wrapped around them. These book or CD cases would
be very pretty in your floss box as floss bobbins or simply wrap lace or
ribbons around them. So pretty the colors are! I hope that
you can find these items to REMAKE those cases. Keep an eye out for them!
by Hopblogger

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I actually like the blue and yellow cartonnettes. I really like the way you chose to wrap them in lace, ribbon, etc....

Good idea.